My Ballard Design Inspired Tree Stand!

So I saw this tree stand in my Ballard Design catalog and just HAD to have it!
Only one slight problem...IT'S $99!!!
As I usually do, I e-mailed my mom telling showing her this awesome find and asking for her to keep an eye out for something a little LESS expensive.
About a week later I received a phone call: "I found a pot in the neighbor's garbage, I think it might work for your tree project. It's on the porch if you want to take a look at it." - Haha my mom's the best...not many people can say that their mother goes trash picking for them! :P
She needed a little fixin' up but it wasn't anything a little caulk couldn't fix.
Caulk - Already Owned
Pot - FREE
Spray Paint - $4.99 + 40% off = $2.99!!!

Merry Christmas!!!